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My images cover a wide range of locations, styles and feelings as I experiment to discover what most resonates with me as an artist.


The collection I have put together is a work in progress. I plan to continue to play with various arrangements and pairings to achieve the appropriate feeling. 



Life, similar to photography, is not all about the finished product, but about the process and experience of finding what makes you happy. In a world concerned with finished products and clean aesthetic, I want to emphasize that there is beauty in the process; there is beauty in mistakes. A lot of my pieces show less than perfect practices in photography. Whether there be blurs from too slow shutter speeds and shaky hands, or extreme exposures, I want to show that there need not be such an emphasis on perfection. These pieces also speak to my experience of the last year in college. The three people pictured in this collection were the most influential and present in my life. Now, as college winds down, and people change and grow, many of these images have ripped edges which is representative of the temporary nature of people in each others' lives. Nothing is permanent, but that is one of the most beautiful aspects of photography, it can serve as a record of what once was. 



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